DIY Kitchen Drawer Wallpaper

kitchen drawer wallpaper

Earlier this season, we purchased a house and have been working on endless projects to make the house feel like our home. Our kitchen (and whole house really) is black and white and one of the things that I really wanted to do was create little pops of surprise to make the kitchen our very own. For a separate project, I really wanted to use black and white floral as a wallpaper for an accent wall, but that was veto’d by my fiance. My compromise with him? Let me line our kitchen drawers with a modern, black and white floral print! I love the result, it makes the kitchen feel modern and new and every time I open a drawer, my heart fills with joy!

I chose to use adhesive wallpaper because there is more design variety in pattern than contact paper. I purchased my adhesive wallpaper from Wayfair, this and this are the exact designs I ordered for my kitchen drawers and closet drawers.

black and white floral wallpaper

Lining the drawers with wallpaper is so easy to do! It takes a little bit of time, but even the most non artsy/creative person can do this without a problem. What you will need is your wallpaper of choice, scissors and a blade of some sort for cutting the paper.

Once you have the materials, place the wallpaper in the drawers on one end and fold at the opposite end. Crease the fold hard and use the blade to cut through the paper while it is folded (like cutting wrapping paper with one side of a scissor).

To place the wallpaper in the drawer, first place it in and get a sense of positioning that would yield the most perfect placement. Start by peeling and placing one corner (if it’s a large drawer) and gradually increase so that one side is secure, or for smaller drawers, peel one side and secure. As you peel, peel slowly and use your other hand to smooth out the paper as it’s being place to prevent air bubbles. Do this slowly so that you also have the opportunity to adjust placing as necessary.

wallpaper drawers
floral kitchen drawer

I also applied the adhesive wallpaper in my spice cabinets to continue the design throughout the kitchen.

wallpaper spice rack
wallpaper spice rack

And just because everyone loves seeing other people’s dogs, this is my darling English Creme Golden Retriever, Willow, enjoying the kitchen.


In addition to lining my kitchen drawers with wallpaper, I did the same for my closet dressers and built ins upstairs. To differentiate from the design in my kitchen, I chose a carrara marble design instead to create a different feel.

marble drawer liners

I can’t tell you how happy this little home project has made me. It’s easy to do and a great way to add a design refresh to an existing space!